The purpose of our partnerships is to bring together those actively engaged in the collection, management, analysis, and/or use of transportation safety data for educational and networking opportunities. Interested in getting involved in one of our committees? Sign up at the bottom of your profile page.

Membership Committee
  • Responsible for disseminating information to Communications and Public Relations Committee to enhance recruitment efforts.
  • Provide input/suggestions to expand/ improve services and add value to membership.
  • Provide input/suggestions on how to increase membership to further support ATSIP initiatives.
  • Send relevant membership highlights/stories to the Outreach Committee

Committee Members: 

Communications and Public Relations Committee
  • Responsible for all communication efforts and announcements of events for the organization.
  • Communicates to past forum attendees who are not currently members. 
  • Communicates to liaisons and other partners.
  • Works with all other Committees to obtain relevant and timely information to disseminate to the public. 
  • Set timeline/schedule for weekly/monthly highlights/spotlight
  • Review quarterly content for newsletter as other committees feed information to the Outreach Committee 
    • Identify, review and implement young professionals’ submissions, 
    • Identify, review and implement best practices
    • Identify, review and implement sponsor highlights
    • Identify, review and implement liaison highlights

Committee Members:

Best Practices Committee
  • Identify true best-practices and provide a platform for dissemination and awareness other than TRF
    • Webinars
    • Workshops
    • Newsletters
    • Email distributions
  • Partner with other organizations/liaisons to promote best practices
    • White papers
    • Other projects
    • TRB submissions
    • TRCC spotlight
  • Send relevant best practice highlights/stories to the Outreach Committee

Send relevant best practice highlights/stories to the Outreach Committee

Committee Members:

Outreach Committee
  • Continue to conduct TRCC webinars
    • Survey members to identify interests in other webinar topics.
    • Encourage quarterly (or more frequent) webinars under the ATSIP name.
    • Support webinars by any of the domain subcommittees
  • Support Forum activities (roundtables, workshops, etc.)
  • Additional platforms for dissemination (webinars, newsletters, etc.)
  • Partner with organizations (White papers, projects, TRB, Lifesavers, GHSA)
  • All outreach to TRCC including TRF announcements, speaker/abstract submissions, etc.
  • Provide Best Practices Committee and Best Practices Award Subcommittee with potential candidates/examples. 
  • Continue to provide training for TRCC Coordinators.
    • Address Data Governance/Strategic Planning Issues
    • Survey coordinators to identify training needs.
  • Engage Federal organizations including FMCSA, FHWA, etc. 

Committee Members:


Data Integration/Data Governance Subcommittee:

  • Continue to conduct Data Integration Group webinars.
  • Focus on data integration practices; white papers, workshops, roundtables, webinars, etc.
  • Expand beyond injury surveillance.
  • All outreach to Data Integration Group including TRF announcements, speaker/abstract submissions, etc.
  • Identify other data integration needs, barriers, solutions.
  • Send relevant data integration/governance highlights/stories to the Outreach Committee.

Subcommittee Members:

Forum Logistics Committee
  • Identify and draft budget.
  • Obtain and provide AV options
  • Obtain and provide menu options.
  • Special Events (opening reception, etc.).
  • Obtain and provide Logo/Pin options.
  • Obtain and provide Giveaways options.
  • Identify photographer (doesn’t have to be paid) for Forum.
  • Locate and ship all banners and other ATSIP items needed at Forum.

Committee Members:

Forum Program Committee
  • Secure speakers and obtain info for newsletter, email announcements etc.
  • Write CFP.
  • Set date for CFP to release.
  • Set date for CFP to close (needs to be moved earlier).
  • Review abstracts.
  • Select abstracts to be presented and notify abstract authors of acceptance or declined.
  • Distribute accepted abstracts to Proceedings subcommittee to create grid.
  • Send relevant program highlights/stories to the Outreach Committee.

Committee Members:

Awards Subcommittee (virtual or in-person)

  • Provide information and templates to announce award nominations etc. for newsletter committee, and TSASS (for email announcements & website).
  • Provide information to ED for social media announcements.
  • Review award nominations for all award (including best practices award).
  • Present award nominees to board.
  • Identify cost for awards and purchase awards. 
  • Draft award recipient announcements (obtain recipient bios, etc.).
  • Distribute awards at TRF.
  • Send relevant awards highlights/stories to the Outreach Committee.

Awards Subcommittee Members:

Proceedings Subcommittee (virtual or in-person)

  • Create grid (virtual-work with DBK to create grid)
  • Draft proceedings for program.
  • Design and execute program (virtual-work with DBK to execute program).
  • Select printer and printing options (virtual n/a).
  • Execute program printing and shipping (virtual n/a).
  • Save the date cards for subsequent year (coordinate with next year’s forum chair).

Proceedings Subcommittee Members:


Sponsor/Exhibitor Committee
  • Identify previous sponsors/exhibitors.
  • Secure bids for booth/exhibit hall decorator.
  • Solicit new sponsors/exhibitors.
  • Provide information and templates to announce speakers for newsletter committee, and TSASS (for email announcements & website).
  • Provide information to ED for social media announcements.
  • Solicit sponsor items for giveaways, raffle, etc.
  • Send relevant sponsor & exhibitor highlights/stories to the Outreach Committee

Committee Members:

ANSI Standards Review Committee
  • The policies and procedures for the ANSI Standards Review Committee requires members of this committee to be from different interest groups to include two members of the Board and two members from the general ATSIP membership (see section 3.2).

Committee Members:

ANSI audit subcommittee

    • Conduct all tasks related to ANSI audit (TBD).
    • Send relevant ANSI updates, highlights, and stories to the Outreach Committee.

Subcommittee Members:

Strategic Planning Committee
  • Develop and maintain strategic plan.
  • Determine strategic plan term lengths. 
  • Revise and renew strategic plan as needed. 
  • Send relevant strategic planning highlights/stories to the Outreach Committee.

Committee Members:

Contracts Committee
  • Review responses to RFPs and provide feedback to Executive Director. Assist with selection of contractors/services for the organization.

Committee Members:


* indicates required
Stacey Manware

As Deputy Director of Centralized Court Services for the State of Connecticut’s Judicial Branch, Stacey Manware directs the development and implementation of electronic citation and adjudication systems Statewide. A long-standing member of the Connecticut Traffic Records Coordinating Committee, she is the judicial champion of an award winning comprehensive paperless platform for motor vehicle infractions from issuance to placement on the driver history record. Attorney Manware is an adjunct professor of legal research and writing at Post University in Waterbury, Connecticut. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Fordham University (Bronx, NY) and Juris Doctor from New England Law School (Boston, MA).

Tara Powell Casanova

Tara Casanova Powell is the Principal of Casanova Powell Consulting, an independent traffic safety research consulting firm and the current CEO for the Association of Transportation Safety Information Professionals (ATSIP). Tara is the former Program Coordinator for the Annual Lifesavers National Conference on Roadway Safety Priorities and a Research Consultant for Acusensus and the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA). Tara also serves as a faculty staff member for Impaired Driving Solutions, formerly the National Center for DWI Courts (NCDC), under “All Rise”. With over 25 years of experience in the field of road safety, Tara’s career has spanned several niches within this community.

Tara has been engaged with the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine for several years where she currently serves as the Chair for the Impairment in Transportation Committee and was the Chair of the 2021 TRB Drug-Impaired Driving Conference Planning Committee. Tara also founded and Chairs the International Council on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety (ICADTS) Impaired Driving Behavioral Intervention Working Group (IDBIIIG) and has recently been elected to the ICADTS Board of Directors as an At Large Member.

In 2023, Tara co-authored the Impact of Compliance-Based Removal Laws on Alcohol-Impaired Driving Recidivism for GHSA, and “Rideshare Volume and DUI Incidents in Boston, Worcester, and Northampton, Massachusetts”, a collaborative project between Lyft and Uber developed for the National Association of District Attorneys (NDAA). Prior reports include “Rideshare Volume and DUI Incidents in Atlanta, Georgia; Chicago, Illinois; and Fort Worth, Texas” and “Rideshare Volume and DUI Incidents in Target California Communities” in collaboration with Lyft and also developed for NDAA. Through Tara’s judicial experience, she authored “A GUIDE TO DUI PRETRIAL SERVICES Key Components & Best Practice Recommendations” prepared for the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility illustrating Pretrial Services Early Intervention Programs for DWI Offenders.

Tara has also conducted extensive research on distracted driving including several studies with the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and Preusser Research Group in NY, CT, Northern Virgina, and Maryland and served on the Behavioral Traffic Safety Cooperative Research Program (BTSCRP) expert panel for the completed project “Examining the Implications of Legislation and Enforcement on Electronic Device Use While Driving”.

Tara’s professional experience and network span several roadway safety priorities, with expertise in impaired driving, distracted driving, speed, occupant protection, and traffic records that transcend barriers that often exist within the silos of the transportation profession. Tara is very passionate about her role in transportation safety and has worked to connect traffic safety professionals including research scientist; federal, state, and local practitioners; law enforcement; and traffic records data professionals to work together to work towards ZERO deaths and to provide equitable transportation for all road users.  

Cory Hutchinson

Cory Hutchinson currently serves as the Director for the Center for Analytics and Research in Transportation Safety (CARTS) at Louisiana State University.  He earned a MS in Quantitative Business Analysis, a MBA, and a PhD in Human Resource Education and Workforce Development from LSU.  Within CARTS, Cory oversees all IT related projects including business analytics, web site design, data quality analysis, electronic crash data collection, data reporting, disaster recovery, graphical information systems, business intelligence, and crash data integration.  Cory also teaches graduate level Business Intelligence courses within the College of Business at LSU.

Membership Profile

 Ms. Andrea Bill is the Director of the Wisconsin Local Technical Assistance Program and Associate Director of the Traffic Operations and Safety Laboratory and Eastern Tribal Technical Assistance Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. With these roles, she has been bringing research to technology transfer through in person and virtual webinars throughout Wisconsin and the U.S.  She is a passionate advocate for making research tangible to practitioners and to foster implementation and widespread adoption. 

Ryan Klitzsch, a certified Road Safety Professional (RSP), has more than 15 years of experience in transportation safety planning, including eight years as the Administrator the Indiana Highway Safety Office. Currently, Mr. Klitzsch is as a Senior Associate of Cambridge Systematics working in the areas of transportation safety policy, traffic records data, and planning. In this position, he has leveraged his practical highway safety office expertise in data and performance management with states to develop and implement countermeasures to move our roadways closer Toward Zero Deaths. Mr. Klitzsch has developed planning strategies for emerging technologies, Strategic Highway Safety Plans, Highway Safety Plans, Bicycle and Pedestrian plans, and Traffic Records Strategic Plans for more than a dozen states.